East-West Guitars

XVIVE O1 Tube Squasher (Designed by Thomas Blug)


XVIVE O1 Tube Squasher (Designed by Thomas Blug)
Main Features:
1: FET-based overdrive circuitry allows the Tube Squasher to realistically 
emulate the smooth overdrive characteristics of a good vacuum tube amp. 
The playing dynamics are tube-like in tone and feel. 
2: The Tube Squasher is a very powerful tone-shaping tool. 
3: An internal supply voltage step-up allows more dynamic range and headroom with tight bass tones.
4: It is a low to medium gain overdrive .
* TONE – shapes color of distorted signal 
* LEVEL – controls overall volume of effect
* DRIVE – controls amount of overdrive
* LO CUT – 2 position switch that can alternate between a fat full 
range tone and a clear, transparent sound featuring mids and highs. 
* Foot Switch toggle effects on/bypass (blue LED “on” indicator)

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XVIVE O1 Tube Squasher (Designed by Thomas Blug)

Main Features:
• FET-based overdrive circuitry allows the Tube Squasher to realistically emulate the smooth overdrive characteristics of a good vacuum tube amp.
• The playing dynamics are tube-like in tone and feel.
• The Tube Squasher is a very powerful tone-shaping tool.
• An internal supply voltage step-up allows more dynamic range and headroom with tight bass tones.
• Low to medium gain overdrive .

TONE – shapes color of distorted signal
LEVEL – controls overall volume of effect
DRIVE – controls amount of overdrive
LO CUT – 2 position switch that can alternate between a fat full
range tone and a clear, transparent sound featuring mids and highs.
Foot Switch toggle effects on/bypass (blue LED “on” indicator)

* Use a cable from the guitar to the Tube Squasher’s INPUT jack and run
another cable from the Tube Squasher’s OUTPUT jack to the amplifier.
* Start with the OUTPUT, TONE and GAIN controls at 12 o’clock.
* Turn the effect on by pressing the footswitch.
* Rotate the Level knob clockwise to increase the overall volume of the effect
or counterclockwise to decrease it.
* Rotate the TONE knob clockwise for a brighter sound and counterclockwise
for a darker sound.
* Rotate the drive knob clockwise to increase the amount of distortion
and counterclockwise to decrease it.

• Input Impedance 850KΩ
• Output Impedance <12 kΩ
• Noise Floor <-84dB
• Current Draw 40 mA
• Bypass Hardwire
• Power Supply 9 volts DC
• Unique Tough Hammered Textured Finish
• Weight 310 grams
• A-weighted, all controls at mid position


RoHS Compliant

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